Links to other Sites

One of the best ways to break down the stigma of flatulence is to laugh at it. Here are some humourous sites :

Page Name Description Score out of 10
Martial arts and farts The art of farting in martial arts 9.5
Mr Methane Flatulence album. Absolute crack up 9.5
Lighting Farts Matter of fact Wikipedia entry about the lighting of farts 8
Flatulence Deodorizer Selling smell absorbant pads 7

Multimedia Description Score out of 10
Baked Beans Hear about a bloke having trouble with Bakebeans (260k) 8
Warf vs the Borg Warf defeats the Borg in the only way he knows how (88k) 8
Evangelist Fart Movie An American Evangelist farts (373k) 7
Fart Movie A bloke lighting a fart on stage (153k) 6.9
AAF 3D Animation 3D Animation of AAF Logo (469k) 6.9
Mary had a little Lamb The song in F(art) major (184k) 6.5

Some of my other websites:
Roy and H.G. fan site
BSE Steakhouse
Lucifers Gallery of Pauline Hanson

Got any good links or multimedia? Send us an email.

Total Florida